I've set up an album on Google Photos: U.S. Robotics Reunion.
Use the link below to see what's there so far. Then add your own still photos and videos -- the "Add Photos" button is the little square with the plus sign at the top right of the page. It's pretty simple.
Don't worry about organizing what you upload -- Tracy and I will massage the order so everything flows smoothly and we don't see too many of any of you at any one time.
Preference is for in-focus, decently exposed images, but as long as we can recognize who's in the shot and what's going on, send it in! You can help by not sending duplicate or very similar images, and choosing the most interesting shots you've got.
We will need a bit of time to get this ready for viewing, so please upload what you can by July 31. Thanks!
Here's the link: https://photos.app.goo.gl/i8HH8tA9hxVYpyaq6
I just uploaded some pix and videos, but some of them may be just after the 3Com deal... So... The rest of my marketing goodies are in storage as we just moved and don't have the next house built yet.
660.5 MB are on their way...
Dave, I love you! But the first one I looked at requires YouTube Premium to download. If you own copies of these, or already have Premium, could you do us a favor? Please upload them to the Google Photos album as requested in my post. If that's not an option, please let me know so we can work out another way to get them into the reunion presentation.
Here’s some historic videos digitized/uploaded from old VHS tapes I’d scrounged, mostly via wastebasket, during major USR/3Com moves/re-orgs back in the day.
US Robotics Commercials
US Robotics X2 Commercial (Steve Wozniak) https://youtu.be/BKGRW8_cByM
US Robotics X2 Commercial (Stephen Hawking) https://youtu.be/-HAUiXRuH_I
USRobotics: Wedding https://youtu.be/EooM3VfHcbc
USRobotics: The Dance https://youtu.be/bf5jvJKKemY
US Robotics Biker Boy commercial https://youtu.be/xZtKi0C4HjA
US Robotics PCD X2 Training Tape https://youtu.be/rqoaRxYrT-8
US Robotics Factory Footage B-Roll https://youtu.be/LWbrRXRA3ts
Casey Cowell Digital Jam Interview April 2, 1996 https://youtu.be/I8lDDmcDNSo
US Robotics Web America testimonial https://youtu.be/aG1tpiXnJqY
US Robotics X2 Tradeshow Presentation https://youtu.be/Y-zm_mA5hZo
US Robotics Networld + Interop X2 Tradeshow Booth Shots https://youtu.be/lb_yYe26jdE
US Robotics PCD Music on Hold parts 1-3 (audio cassette -> visualizer)
Other Miscellanea
Hayes Modem Commercial - Brave new World on Information Super Highway https://youtu.be/4XV_MnaRpR0